Jones Riverside Airport Association

Strength In Numbers

Resources and Useful Information for JRAA Members

Waste Oil and Solvent Disposal
The Tulsa Airport Authority provides separate containers to receive waste oil and waste solvents that are generated on the airport. These marked containers are located north of the TAA Equipment Building.

Uncontaminated waste oil can be hauled off for beneficial reuse at no cost to the airport. Conversely, contaminated waste oil has to be tested, transported by a certified hazardous waste hauler to a licensed hazardous waste disposal facility. This is expensive to process!

* Mix your waste oil with anything else.
* Pour your waste oil into a container that was previously used for cleaners or fuels.
* Dispose of materials generated off airport property.
* Guess on what to do. (There is no penalty for asking!)
* Drain oil and oil filter into a separate container. Pour container into the big Waste Oil vessel.
* Keep waste solvents, parts cleaners, and old gas in a container separate from the oil. Pour this into Solvent Barrel.
* If you forget and mix the chemicals with the oil, pour the entire mixture into the Solvent Barrel.
* Call Jeff Condray at 838-5048 or Steve Mushrush at 299-5886 if you have questions.
Evidence of mixing solvents or other contaminants into the waste oil container may result in the elimination of this disposal service, or transferring the cost of the waste removal to the tenants.